PanARMENIAN.Net - . CNA information agency has spread biographical reference about John Ordway, who is nominated US Ambassador to Armenia by President George Bush's decision. John Ordway is a career diplomat, member of the US High Diplomatic Service. He was born in California, has graduated from Stanford University and Hastings College of the Law of California University. He speaks Czech and Russian. He began his diplomatic career in 1975 - as an officer of the press office of the US Department of State. He has worked there in Southern Africa countries bureau as an advisor and then as Deputy Head. He has actively participated in the mediation mission activity on settling the relations between Angola and Namibia. He has later served in the Department of relations with the USSR, and then - with Russia as Deputy Chief of the Department. For a period of time he held office of the Director of the Africa Bureau of the US National Security Council. J.Ordway worked in the US Embassy in Prague as an officer of the Consular bureau, and then in the political section of the diplomatic representation. He was nominated Deputy Political Advisor of the US mission in NATO and US representative in the Political committee of NATO in 1993. He was sent for work in the US Embassy in Moscow for two times: first as an officer of the political section and then in the position of the Advisor on political affairs. In August 1999 he was appointed Advisor Envoy of US Embassy in the Russian Federation, Deputy Head of the diplomatic mission. John Ordway is married and has two children.
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