PanARMENIAN.Net - . The Moscow experts continue to comment the rate polling of CIS business-elite, conducted by informational-analytical portal of "GazetaSNG.Ru" and the fund of studies of independent countries. Russian political experts state great effect of the politics on capital. As Caspian information agency informs, Andrey Rjabov, the expert of the Karnegy Moscow center, thinks, that Ilham Aliev, joining top ten of the most influential CIS representatives of the business sphere, is not considered neither as an independent politician nor as an independent businessman by the majority of the polled politics experts. Rjabov is sure that the Ilham Aliev position occupied in rate-list of business-elite of CIS is owing to the authority of his father, the present president of Azerbaijan. On the other hand, Sergey Markov, the head of the Political Studies Institute, admitting some convention of Ilham Alieev authority, stated that " the rule, with high level of probability, will pass to Ilkham Aliev". Referring to political experience of Jordan and Syria, Markov stated that the traditional in this societies rule passing from father to son, in Azerbaijan would become the guarantee of economic and political stability and, undoubtedly, would be supported by the Azerbaijani elite.
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