PanARMENIAN.Net - YEREVAN, May 31. /Mediamax/. Deputy Head of Russian President's administration Sergey Prikhodko said that the principal condition for a settlement to be implemented is the support by the public opinion of Armenia and Azerbaijan of the political decision.

ITAR-TASS informs that Prikhodko said this before the meeting of Armenian, Russian and Azerbaijani Presidents in Minsk today. Solution of the problem must be apprehended by several generations in both countries, he says. "Both, Aliyev and Kocharian have the political will. How do they imagine the settlement is an issue to be discussed through difficult negotiations, because this is a very painful problem for both countries," he noted.

The position of Russia is the same: Moscow is against imposing any solutions from outside on the conflict participants. It believes that only the conflict parties must be responsible for the final decision. "Russia will be ready to support any settlement

that would suit all the involved sides," Prikhodko stressed. "Besides, in case of achievement of a compromise agreement Moscow might become a guarantor of the settlement. We think that such a settlement that will allow to establish peace and stability in the Transcaucasus in post-conflict period will be the most viable." --0--

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