Expert: Russia, Iran important actors in Karabakh settlement

Expert: Russia, Iran important actors in Karabakh settlement

PanARMENIAN.Net - Experience shows that psychology and mentality of Caucasus is not subject to any pressure from outside, a Russian expert said.

“Azerbaijan’s aspiration to gain something without giving anything in exchange will not do. No country can compel Armenia to act to the detriment of its national interests,” editor-in-chief of the scientific society of Caucasus specialists’ portal Andrey Areshev told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

“Talks for settlement of conflicts in the South Caucasus should be held continuously not only at presidential and ministerial level but also with the help of public democracy,” he said.

The expert also emphasized the important role of Iran and Russia. “There are numerous Armenian and Azerbaijani communities in Russia. You can imagine if a war bursts out in Karabakh. It will hardly benefit anyone,” he said.

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