PanARMENIAN.Net - 29.09.2000, MEDIAMAX, YEREVAN. During the meeting of the defense ministers of Armenia and Russia Serzh Sarkisian and Igor Sergeyev, held September 27 in Sochi, questions of military cooperation of the two countries were discussed and 3 documents were signed, was reported today to MEDIAMAX in the Information Department of the Defense Ministry of Armenia.

The Defense Ministers of the two countries signed an Agreement "Between the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation on joint planning of using the armed forces in the interests of providing security".

A protocol about entering changes and additions in the Agreement of September 27, 1996 "About the order of apportioning and using land for stationing RF military bases on the territory of Armenia" was also signed.

The Defense ministers of Armenia and Russia - Serzh Sarkisian and Igor Sergeyev signed also an agreement "On order of interaction between the military departments on using air space and regulating air communication during flights of the airplanes of the Republic of Armenia in the air space of the Russian Federation and of the military planes of RF in the air space of the Republic of Armenia".

The Declaration "About allied interaction of Russia and Armenia in 21st century", signed by presidents Putin and Kocharian during the official visit of the President of Armenia to Moscow on September 25-27, notes that "the sides will actively interact in providing joint defense within the framework of common military -strategic tasks on the basis of the Agreement on Collective Security of May 15, 1992. -0-
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