Armenian, Russian, Azeri spiritual leaders urge snipers withdrawal

Armenian, Russian, Azeri spiritual leaders urge snipers withdrawal

PanARMENIAN.Net - As part of CIS spiritual leaders’ talks, Yerevan hosted a trilateral meeting between Catholicos of All Armenians, His Holiness Karekin II, Patriarch of All Russia Kirill and Head of the Caucasian Muslims Board Sheikh ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazade.

A declaration adopted by the three spiritual leaders specifically calls for peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict on the basis of international law norms, Patriarch of All Russia said.

“We stress the necessity to observe the ceasefire that will enable people to expect a peaceful resolution. We, spiritual leaders of the three countries, have launched an initiative to swap war prisoners and corpses. We also call for withdraw of snipers from the contact line to prevent further bloodshed and causalities,” he added.

According to Patriarch Kiril, prevention of bloodshed will unveil new perspectives for peaceful resolution of the conflict.

9  28.11.11 - Trilateral meeting of CIS spiritual leaders
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