Ameria CJSC promotes Armenia in world jurisprudence

Ameria CJSC promotes Armenia in world jurisprudence

PanARMENIAN.Net - Ameria CJSC consulting and law firm, proves Armenia’s compliance with international standards in terms of provision of legal services, chair of the 7th CIS Local Counsel Forum and head of the “Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners” law firm said.

Dimitry Afanasiev highly assessed Ameria CJSC’s contribution to development of Armenia’s law business, which meets international standards, whilst maintaining its uniqueness.

David Sargsyan, Ameria CJSC legal practice director, in turn, said that the forum enables foreign firms to familiarize themselves with Armenia’s legal field for further activity in the country.

He further stressed the importance of the event as a bridge restoring ties between lawyers of post-Soviet states.

7th CIS Local Counsel Forum is held from June 6-8 in Yerevan. The event, co-organized by Ameria CJSC, has brought together over 150 participants from 50 countries.

9  07.06.12 - 7th CIS Counsel Forum
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