Pitiful Attempts to Present Safarov as National Avenger and Hero Are Merely Ridiculous

PanARMENIAN.Net - Already in the period of the preliminary investigation on the case of murder of the Armenian officer Azeri lawyer Adil Ismaylov told the press that the defense will build on the following thesis: "Until the Karabakh conflict is not solved, events like this can repeat." Armenian MOD representative on the case of murder of Gurgen Margaryan Hayk Demoyan stated it when answering a question on aptitude of the defense tactics of R. Safarov, which apparently comes to politicization of the trial, reported IA Regnum. In Demoyan's words, Azeri MP Siyavuzh Novruzov stated in the presence of Terri Davis that such events are not ruled out even in the CE, thus apparently horrifying the British guest. "And no one at that asked himself a question which are the dividends for Azeris at the international arena, when they act that way. References to the "occupation" of lands and "one million" refugees have become boring to the world. At that Azerbaijan does not want to hear about the lot of over half a million Armenian refugees and contemporary Azerbaijan including historical Armenian territories, proofs of which official Baku continues destroying," the Armenian MOD representative said.

As of Safarov, Hayk Demoyan said the text of his interrogation makes one understand he was not there when Armenian self-defense detachments were suppressing weapon emplacements in Jabrail. It is not out of place to notice that the operation in Jabrail region was held in summer 1993 after Azeri troops broke the agreement on cease-fire and involved hundreds of Afghan mojahedins as foreign press reported. Just as during the operation on neutralization of weapon emplacements in Khojalu, Armenian forces here also provided a corridor for peaceful population to leave. Thus, in his words, one can state that the counter-offensive was also of counter-terrorist nature.

According to Hayk Demoyan, pitiful attempts to present Safarov as a national avenger and hero are merely ridiculous at least because owing to his fear he was only able to attack and deal with the Armenian officer only when he was asleep and having bought and ground his ax. In his words, anti-Armenianism ranks as state ideology in contemporary Azerbaijan. "They will realize the malignancy and unfruitfulness of that policy in the future. The state, which officially practices hatred and xenophobia, does not have a future. How can one speak of peace and co-existence of Armenians and Azeris in the future against the background of the anti-Armenian Sabbath?" stated the Armenian MOD representative.
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