Demoyan: Safarov Seriously Discredited His Country All over World for Long

PanARMENIAN.Net - Ramil Safarov has discredited his country all over the world - seriously and for long, Armenian MOD representative on the case of murder of Gurgen Margaryan Hayk Demoyan stated, when commenting on statement of the State Committee for work with Azeris living abroad Nazim Ibrahimov that "R. Safarov's actions seriously harmed Azerbaijan," reported IA Regnum. In Demoyan's words, the present and future cost of Safarov's deed will soon become clear. The mode and circumstances of the murder in the center of Europe is disgrace to any army and state for many years. Safarov, who was trained in Turkish military academies for 10 years, also dishonored Turkish these, clearly indicating during his interrogation what is exactly taught in Turkey. Here are his words: "I was taught to kill people using various instruments in Turkey," Hayk Demoyan remarked.

In his words, in his testimony to forensic medical experts Safarov speaks of 45-day special training on the territory of Northern Cyprus occupied by Turkey. "The question is: what do Azeri army servicemen do on the territory of a sovereign state - now an EU member? It turns out that Azeri military take part in an actual aggression beyond the limits of Azerbaijan. And after than Baku does not miss an opportunity to accuse Armenia in aggression! The history repeats here by the way. On the territory of the so-called Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, recognized only by Turkey, the Turkish army and special services hold secret bases to train terrorist and sabotage groups to be used in Turkey and beyond its limits. One can recall the Beslan slaughter by terrorists formerly also trained in Turkish bases of Northern Cyprus," the Armenian MOD representative said.

"Again returning to the nature of the Budapest murder and Safarov's own words, the barbaric tradition of Turkish military to behead their victims should be mentioned. It at least reminds of scandalous photos published by the European Weekly, with Turkish soldiers, posing with cut off heads of Kurds in 1996. Most probably they taught Safarov their tradition. It is known from scientific literature that Azeri military pass their "baptism of fire" in regions of Eastern Anatolia populated by Kurds. One can only guess whether Turkish military teach killing unarmed people sleeping at night…" Demoyan added.
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