31  11.09.15 - “No to Robbery” civic initiative's protest against electricity price rise

Electric Yerevan: protests against energy price hike resume

Electric Yerevan: protests against energy price hike resume

PanARMENIAN.Net - Activists of the civil movement "No to Plunder" protesting against electricity tariff hike in Armenia announced on Friday, September 11 their intention to resume street rallies.

"We have decided to take to the streets again and struggle, demanding the annulment of the decision. Cancellation is the only option,” activist Maxim Sargsyan said during the rally at Freedom Square in central Yerevan.

According to him, the authorities have not fulfilled their promise to compensate for the energy price hike till the completion of the audit at Electric Networks of Armenia (ENA).

“The company demands that business entities pay for the energy consumed at increased rates. Meanwhile, President Sargsyan stated that the compensation applied to everybody. In fact, they deceived us. Increase in tariffs for business entities would lead to a rise in price of their products, including necessity goods,” Interfax quoted Sargsyan as saying.

The picketers conducted a sit-in demonstration on Baghramyan Avenue, Novosti-Armeniya reports.

Several hundred protesters tried to burst into the presidential administration, located on Baghramyan Avenue, but were unable to break through the police cordon.

Electric Networks of Armenia (ENA) Company earlier submitted a bid to the Public Services Regulatory Commission about a rise in electricity tariffs. The parliamentary opposition considers the move unfounded and initiated to serve the interests of ENA. The current night-time tariff for the population is AMD 31.85 per KWH, the daytime tariff is AMD 41.85. The bid of ENA proposed raising the tariffs to AMD 48 and 58 respectively. Yet the Commission satisfied the bid only partially on June 17, with the increase set at AMD 6.93 instead of AMD 17.

Activist of the civil movement “No to Plunder” initiated demonstrations against the energy price hike on central Baghramyan Avenue, demanding that the government cancel the decision.

Early on June 23 morning, the police used special equipment, including water cannons, to disperse a rally against electricity price hike in Yerevan.

The protesters blocked the avenue for around two weeks, but later moved to Freedom Square.


Electric Networks of Armenia (ENA) submitted a bid to the Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) demanding to raise energy price by AMD 17 ($0.036). During the June 17 session, PSRC partially satisfied the bid raising the tariffs to AMD 6,93 ($0.0146) from August 1, causing major public outrage.

On June 19, members of the initiative “No to Plunder” started a sit-in protest at Freedom Square. On June 22, demonstrators headed towards the presidential headquarters on Baghramyan Avenue. The police, however, blocked the part of the street on the way to the President’s residence. The rally participants decided to continue the protest right in front of the police cordons. After a 10-hour sit-in, the police called on the demonstrators to leave the area, using water cannons to disperse the protesters.

Not only protesters but also journalists and operators covering the rally were subjected to the police violence: 237 people were detained and released later. The attitude of the police enraged the public: thousands gathered at Baghramyan Avenue demanding to cancel the Commission’s decision on energy price hike. Countless demonstrators spent several nights at the campaign venue.

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan issued a statement on June 27 informing that an audit will be conducted at ENA, with the government to cover the costs of the tariff hike. He called on the protesters to clear the Avenue, but the demonstrators stayed put. After a discussion with picketers, “No to Plunder” coordinating group members decided to continue the protest at Freedom Square. Many demonstrators, however, disagreed. Thus, some of the protesters moved to Freedom Square, while the majority remained on Baghramyan Avenue, determined to go on until the Commission’s decision is cancelled, rather than suspended.

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