Yerevan stages silent march to honor the fallen (Photoreport)

Yerevan stages silent march to honor the fallen (Photoreport)

PanARMENIAN.Net - A silent march in memory of the Armenian soldiers killed in the course of military actions unleashed by Azerbaijan was organized in Yerevan on Sunday, April 10.

Hundreds of participants started off from the S. Shahumyan square and reached Yerablur military pantheon where a candlelight vigil was held.

As many as 64 Armenian soldiers have been killed since April 2; one more serviceman is still missing.

34  10.04.16 - Silent march in memory of Armenian soldiers killed in recent action in Nagorno-Karabakh
The conflict between Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan

The conflict between Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan broke out as result of the ethnic cleansing launched by the Azeri authorities in the final years of the Soviet Union. The Karabakh War was fought from 1991 (when the Nagorno Karabakh Republic was proclaimed) to 1994 (when a ceasefire was sealed by Armenia, NKR and Azerbaijan). Most of Nagorno Karabakh and a security zone consisting of 7 regions are now under control of NKR defense army. Armenia and Azerbaijan are holding peace talks mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group up till now.

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