Teghut protection group filed a claim to suspend Teghut copper-molybdenum field mining

PanARMENIAN.Net - Today representatives of Teghut Protection Action Group declared their intention to file an action against Valex Group Company, which in 2007 has received a permission to launch Teghut copper-molybdenum field mining.

They also stated that the field mining project violates RA constitution and legislation as well as international legislative norms, without providing details on the exact norms violated.

"In 2008 we had a meeting with RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan and we had an impression that necessary steps will be undertaken to eliminate violations of legislation and international norms in Teghut copper-molybdenum field mining project. Unfortunately, this hasn't been done and we were left with no other choice than to file an action.

In his turn, Hayk Alumyan, who's prepared a claim, asserted, "It's obvious that filed mining project violated a number of international norms."

Valex Group representative, Vahram Avagyan emphasized, "We've repeatedly stated that we've never assumed responsibility for total elimination of ecological harm, but we've worked out a program which will allow bringing the ecological harm to a minimum."
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