"Levon Shant - 140. Conference Materials" book published

PanARMENIAN.Net - "Levon Shant - 140. Conference Materials" book was presented in Yerevan on October 29.

The book is a collection of scientific articles and publications by participants of last year's conference dedicated to the 140th birthday anniversary of Armenian poet, novelist and playwright Levon Shant.

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Levon Shant was born in 1869 as Levon Seghposian. His high philosophical ideals and his struggle to actualize his ideals and goals form the essence of his life and literature. Shant's "The Emperor" and "The Ancient Gods" are among the most frequently staged works of the Armenian theater. After the fall of the Republic of Armenia, which he served as Member of Parliament, Shant concentrated on promoting the educational and cultural life of the Armenian people. He was one of the founders of the Hamazkayin Cultural Foundation and of the Nishan Palandjian Jemaran in Beirut, which he served as principal until his death in 1951.
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