Initiation of xenophobia prevention digitizing archives of "Sumgait case"

PanARMENIAN.Net - The "Initiation of prevention of xenophobia" in Yerevan carries out activities for spreading objective information concerning the existing interethnic conflicts in the region. The organization with support of "Information and PR Center" (IPRC) of Armenian President's Administration, prevents circulation of materials having xenophobic nature in the world wide web.

"Initiation of prevention of xenophobia" continues digitization of "Sumgait case" archives with support of IPRC and Prosecutor General's Office. At present more than 200 evidences of massacres implemented of 1988 in Azerbaijani Sumgait city against the Armenians have already been digitized.

"Initiation of prevention of xenophobia" has implemented a number of measures and more than 2000 xenophobic, anti-Armenian, anti-Semitic, anti-Kurdish, anti-Greek, and anti-Georgian videos in youtube, rutube, facebook and have already been blocked.

"Initiation of prevention of xenophobia" has initiated digitization and distribution of literature concerning the interethnic conflicts and ethnic intolerance through internet libraries. The initiation projects to create a private net library.
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