Anahit Bakhshyan: video materials on violence in school posted on web are evidences of recovering society

Anahit Bakhshyan: video materials on violence in school posted on web are evidences of recovering society

PanARMENIAN.Net - Member of Heritage parliamentary group Anahit Bakhshyan said that if children had the opportunity to post video materials of violence in school on the web earlier, as it is done now, we would have seen much severer cadres, as violence was applied in schools for establishment of discipline. The fact that children know how to protect their rights and post such video materials on the web proves that the society is recovering, Bakhshyan told a press conference on October 19.

At the same time, according to Anahit Bakhshyan, even model students are able to wreck a lesson and provoke a teacher into violence. Thus, pedagogues should be professionals to withstand students’ provocations.

“Pedagogue is a vocation rather than a profession, as various situations may occur in a school, for the resolution of which a pedagogue should pattern his behavior on the site, what is not taught by textbooks,” said psychoanalyst Ruben Poghosyan, adding that only one thing should remain unchanged in the modern world: teacher’s authority.

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