Mourning rally in commemoration of March 1 victims to be held in Yerevan

PanARMENIAN.Net - Basic political events of the day.

People's Party Leader Tigran Karapetyan said that a mourning rally in commemoration of victims of March 1 events will be held in Yerevan on Feb 28 at Alexander Myasnikyan monument, Grigor Lusavorich Avenue, regardless of official authorization. Some 4 thousand people will light black-ribboned candles in memory of those killed.


Armenian National Congress headed by Armenia's first president Levon Ter-Petrosyan also sent a notification on Mar. 1 rally to Yerevan city administration. No response has followed yet.


Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan signed a decree on appointment of high command staff in Armed Forces of Armenia. Colonel General Yuri Khatchaturov is appointed Chief of the General Staff of the Armenian Armed Forces and relieved from the post of Deputy First Minister of Defense. Colonel Albert Mardoyan is appointed Chief of Missile Administration and Artillery Department General Staff of the Armenian Armed Forces and relieved from the post of Chief of Missile Administration and Artillery Department General Staff of the Armenian Ministry of Defense. Major General Vostanik Adoyan is appointed Chief of Combat Engineer Troops of the Armenian Armed Forces and relieved from the post of Chief of Combat Engineer Troops of the Armenian Ministry of Defense. Major General Melsik Chilingaryan is appointed Chief of the Department of Arms Control of the Armenian Armed Forces relieved from the post of Chief of the Department of Arms Control of the Armenian Ministry of Defense. Major General Tigran Gasparyan is appointed Chief of the Rear Services Department of the Armenian Armed Forces and relieved from the post of Chief of the Rear Services Department of the Armenian Ministry of Defense. Vardan Avetisyan is appointed Chief of Personal Staff Department of the Armenian Armed Forces and relieved from the post of Chief of Personal Staff Department of the Armenian Ministry of Defense. Colonel Artak Davtyan is appointed Chief of Operational Control Department General Staff of the Armenian Armed Forces and relieved from the post of Deputy Chief of General Staff of Armenia.


Parliament Member from Prosperous Armenia Party, Vardan Bostandgyan categorically denied the rumors that the Party intends to file no-confidence vote against government and nominate the second President of Armenia, Robert Kocharoan for the post of Prime Minister. MP said the Party supports the incumbent government's activities and does not intend to file no-confidence vote.


Orinats Yerkir Representative Hovhannses Markaryan appraised highly last year's activities of the ruling coalition. He declared that there are no disagreements between Orinats Yerkir and other coalition parties, such as Dashnaktsutyun, Prosperous Armenia and RPA. He also noted that party chairman Arthur Baghdasaryan does not intend to leave the post of National Security Council Secretary.
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