Vain attempts of Baku agitprop; what’s next?

Anti-Armenian hysteria unleashed by the Aliyev clan has a reasonable explanation: only the presence of an external enemy can distract people from the daily struggle for existence.

Reading the Azerbaijani press is quite a fascinating occupation and it very much helps to spunk you up. Every day you learn something new about the Armenians, Karabakh, and the world history in general. However, in most cases, the writing fraternity gets carried away. Moreover, Azerbaijani journalists do not sparkle with good manners or tact, but it’s their own business.

PanARMENIAN.Net - However, there are things that cannot possibly be overlooked. We usually neither comment on nor respond to various kind of “information” given in Azerbaijani resources. But this is a special case. A certain Arye Gut from Israel, one of the correspondents of and known for his animal hatred for Armenia and its people, decided that he could defame Charles Aznavour, who, for Mr. Gut’s guidance, has long been a world famous singer and needs not the recognition of some scribblers. But it’s also possible that this very Arye does not even exist, and instead of him the article was written by some Baku Jew, who just in time moved from the ‘blessed’ land of Baku to the Land of the Covenant. It is clear that at the mention of the Armenian Genocide, most representatives of the Azeri agitprop have a desire to complete this genocide the way the Young Turks wanted to, i.e. not to leave a single Armenian alive on earth.

So, Mr. Gut writes: “It must be noted that Aznavour was one of the chief ideologists and supporters of the Armenian separatism in Nagorno-Karabakh.” Well, of course, he was and he still is, like every Armenian, who celebrates January 28, the day of valiant Armenian army that won the unequal war. But the following idea is really blasphemous for the Jewish people. “Armenians are unable to live with the idea that the Holocaust is recognized around the world, while there always occur mishaps with the so-called “Armenian genocide”. In fact, mishaps occur in Azerbaijan, where in the so-called Alley of Martyrs there are buried bandits and rapists, where perpetrators of the Maragha massacre are proclaimed heroes, where Ramil Safarov, who killed Gurgen Margaryan with an ax, has become the ideal and idol of the Azeri youth. At least, in such a way are these crimes interpreted in the pages of newspapers, news portals and television.

The anti-Armenian hysteria unleashed by the Aliyev clan has a reasonable explanation: only the presence of an external enemy can distract people from the daily struggle for existence. What else can you offer the defeated party, if not hatred towards their neighbors, who, though living in actual blockade, dare to disobey Aliyev the Wise and refuse to “return the ancestral lands of Azerbaijan”. It wouldn’t be improper to remind here that by “ancestral Azerbaijani lands” the Azeris mean almost the entire South Caucasus, a part of Iran and even that of Turkey. But in his speeches and calculations Ilham Aliyev overlooks one very important point: all of the above-mentioned countries may one day unite and get out of their way Aliyev, this high-handed apology for a politician, who imagines of himself the Sultan of Azerbaijan and the vicinity. Relations with Iran are already spoiled; with Georgia, she keeps herself above water thanks to the “unintelligible statements” of Mikhail Saakashvili for whom all the presidents are his brothers; with Turkey the relationship is not as good as it could be. Thus, the only thing the Baku agitprop can do is to blast anyone who is “detected” to have Armenian roots.

Karine Ter-Sahakyan / PanARMENIAN News
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