Bryan Ardouny:

Turkish Public Tends to Get Interested in Own History

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Armenian Assembly of America (AAA) is an influential lobbying organization whose mission is to strengthen the organization as the community's preeminent non-partisan advocate representing Armenian-American interests to the U.S. public policy-making community; to support and deepen the U.S./Armenia and U.S./Karabakh relationships; to expand the organizations the campaign for universal affirmation of the Armenian Genocide and to secure Diaspora-wide consensus for the government of the Republic of Armenia to deal with the consequences of this crime against humanity. Executive Director Bryan D. Ardouny makes comments to PanARMENIAN.Net
The Armenian Assembly of America is one of the most powerful Armenian lobbying organizations. Which are the principle directions of your activities?

The AAA activities are targeted at the resolution of the common Armenian problems. We are collaborating with the other Armenian organizations, specifically the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA). I must stress that we are a non-partisan organization and follow the interests of the nation. The AAA pays special attention to the work with Congressmen and Senators as well as with a number of American NGOs. The main goal of the AAA in Armenia is philanthropy and assistance to the non-governmental organizations. We also cooperate with the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, Senators and national minorities.

The recognition of the Armenian genocide by Turkey and normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations is one of the priorities of Armenia's foreign policy. What steps does the AAA take on the matter?

The Turkish public tends to get interested in own history and past. This is proved by the recent international conference on the Armenian Issue in Istanbul. Turkey should understand and reconcile to its history. It's very important for us. However Turkey denies the Armenian Genocide and keeps on imposing blockade on Armenia, so we continue our activities in this direction. As you know Armenia is ready to normalize the Armenian-Turkish relations without preconditions. I should also underscore that we keep in touch with the Congressmen and the Bush Administration and this cooperation proves efficient. The number of members of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues increases day by day. By the way, very few people in the United States knew about the Armenian Genocide some 10-20 years ago. Moreover, media did not even use the term "genocide". Now the situation is quite different. Great number of people are aware of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. I think this is the service of the Armenian lobbying organizations, for most part of the AAA.

Do you think Turkey can become EU member?

If Turkey is really aspired to the EU full membership it should meet all the commitments set to it. This first of all implies freedom of speech, religious tolerance and open borders with the neighbor states. If Turkey does not fulfill these obligations it will never be accepted to the EU.

The AAA pays great attention to the Nagorno Karabakh Republic. Have you ever been there?

We stand for a peaceful settlement in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and the interests of the NKR people should certainly be taken into consideration. First I was in Stepanakert in 1998, then in 2001. Considerable changes are taking place there: the people have overcome incredible hardships and now build their own state. As for the absence of NKR in negotiation process, this is not correct. As I have already said any decision should be made taking into account the opinion of the NKR population. Thus, its participation in the talks is essential.

What projects does the AAA implement in Armenia presently?

AAA Regional Director Arpi Vartanian carries out a great deal of work. She organizes meetings with representatives of NGOs and promotes efficiency of our activities. A student program was launched in the United States still in 1997. It gives American students the opportunity to work in different countries for 2-3 months. The Armenian Assembly Summer Internship Program in Armenia launched in 1998 provides Armenian-American students the unique opportunity to live and work in their historic homeland. They can see how Armenia develops. We do not set a task to resettle them in Armenia. They should just be imbued with the concerns of the independent Armenian State and fancy real Armenia. Students come for 8 weeks and work in various organizations. This year a group of 14 students has formed. Those who wish to come to Armenia should pass a test and sometimes it's very hard to refuse, but the number of applicants is too great.

Armenia-Diaspora forum will be held in September. What do you expect from it?

Our main goal at the forum is to ratify the program for improving living conditions in the near-border regions within the Millennium Challenge Account. Besides, this program is of strategic importance for the republic. The near-border regions demand greater attention of both the government and philanthropic organizations. If we succeed in coordinating and implementing the project it will become a real achievement of the Armenian-Diaspora forum.
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