PanARMENIAN.Net - Key events marking the 90-th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in Turkey began in the Krasnodar Territory April 23 with the scientific practical conference "the Armenian Genocide (Mets Yeghern): Humanitarian Understanding of the Tragedy of the XX century," the Yerkramas newspaper of Armenians of Russia reported. Representatives of the national, cultural and religious associations, staff and students of Krasnodar scientific and education institutions, as well as all those interested were among the participants of the conference organized in Kuban State University. At the end of the conference a round table was held, adopting a statement urging the Turkish authorities to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, which in the opinion of the conference participants "is the requirement for accepting Turkey in the European family." April 24 a commemoration religious service was offered at the Armenian Church of Krasnodar city. This evening a Commemoration Meeting of the Genocide victims will be held in the Railwaymen's House of Culture. Commemoration services and mourning events also took place in other parts of Krasnodar Territory, while memorials to the victims of the Armenian Genocide opened in Nor Luys and Volkonka villages. It should be noted that Kuban was represented at the measures held in Armenia today.
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