PanARMENIAN.Net - «The goal of the Vienna meeting of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs will be exchange of information on the course of the process and the current state of the Karabakh settlement,» stated Azeri Deputy FM Araz Azimov. In his words, meetings of the kind are held regularly. When commenting the question of transferring part of OSCE MG authorities to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Azimov said Azerbaijan had never demanded change of the OSCE MG mandate. «We are not even going to make such demands. Azeri top officials have many times indicated the importance and need for OSCE Minsk Group activities,» stated the Deputy FM. In Azimov's words, the OSCE MG Co-Chairs advocate launching those activities within a limited format: «We understand them and we welcome that approach. From that point of view the current phase of conflict settlement lies in working out preliminary principles and organizing discussions for coming to a political arrangement over preparation of an agreement. The format might be widened at the next stage.» The Deputy FM also said that other organizations have an important role in settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Azimov specially highlighted the UN and PACE role in the issue. «One should not forget the UN resolutions adopted in 1993. Although the conflict is not solved, the resolutions form the major legal basis for the settlement process. On the other hand the UN has allocated much means to improve the conditions of persons displaced resulting from the events in Azerbaijan. After Azerbaijan addressed the UN directly over the illegal settlement of occupied Azeri territories, the UN GA agenda included an item on the situation on the occupied Azeri territories. At the same time the discussion of the issue by the UN promotes more intense forming of the attitude of the international community,» reported APA Azeri agency.
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