PanARMENIAN.Net - The Republic of Cyprus has vetoed Azerbaijan's candidacy and blocked participation of Baku in EUWider Europe: New Neighbors program. Thus, the Azerbaijan-EU talks are delayed for an indefinite period of time. As reported by Azeri agency, the suspension of the program is due to the Cyprus attitude towards Azerbaijan over direct air flights between Baku and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Greek Cyprus has officially posed the question of suspension of EU assistance to Azerbaijan. Meanwhile, as reported the Zerkalo Baku newspaper, head of the Department of Information of the Azeri MFA Tahir Tagizade stated the delays in question are due to technical causes. The Azeri party has provided documents to Brussels and is waiting for the EU response. In particular, the date of arrival of a special EU delegation to Azerbaijan is to be determined. «There are no other motives,» T. Tagizade stated. In his words, there is no ground for attribution to the Cyprus issue, as «the policy of Azeri authorities lies in lifting the international humanitarian isolation of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The latter is welcomed by international organizations, specifically the UN and EU.» The flights to the Turkish Cyprus are organized by private Azeri companies and are not part of Azeri Government's official policy, T. Tagizade stated.
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