Senators Paul Sarbanes and Susan Collins Cosponsored Armenian Genocide Resolution

PanARMENIAN.Net - Senator Paul Sarbanes (D-MD), an outspoken supporter of U.S. reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide, agreed yesterday to cosponsor the pan-Armenian Genocide Resolution, S. Res. 320. Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) also added her support the same day, making her the 22nd lawmaker to cosponsor this bipartisan measure to date, reported the Armenian Assembly of America. S. Res. 320, which was introduced last November by Senator John Ensign

(R-NV) and Senate Minority Whip Richard Durbin (D-IL), calls on the President to "ensure that the foreign policy of the United States reflects appropriate understanding" of the "Armenian Genocide" and to "accurately characterize the systematic and deliberate annihilation of 1,500,000 Armenians as genocide" in the President's annual message. S. Res. 320 compliments House resolution 316 which was introduced in June 2005 by Congressmen George Radanovich (R-CA), Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Joe Knollenberg (R-MI) and Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ). The resolution, which has more than 144 cosponsors to date, passed the House International Relations Committee by a resounding vote in September.
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