Armenian Lobby in Russia Almost Absent

PanARMENIAN.Net - Judging from the development of the Russian-Armenian relations the Armenian lobby in Russia is probably absent. Even if it exists its role is unnoticeable. Despite the successful development of relationships between the two states the potential of friendship is not fully used, President of the Society of Friendship and Cooperation with Armenia Victor Krivopuskov stated in an interview with PanARMENIAN.Net In his words, Armenians within the Russian public and political elite are not to blame for it.

"First of all because the notion of lobbying in Russia is still too young. Lobbying implies open contribution to the power bodies in taking favorable decisions excluding bribery. Unfortunately, today pushing of interests at any level in Russia has acquired the form of shadow lobbying. At that Russia lacks the law on lobbying and the attempts to introduce the bill to the Russian State Duma in 1992, 1995 and 2000 were a failure. Thus, with the transparent and public form of lobbying it's improperly to speak of the availability of Armenian lobby in Russia, the Russian politician considers. Victor Krivopuskov noted that Armenians independently of citizenship are always potential lobbyists of Russia's interests both within the society and at the international level.
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