Public and Political Forces of Slavyansk-on-Kuban against Turkey Accession to EU

PanARMENIAN.Net - The round table of public and political forces of Slavyansk-on-Kuban, marking the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey, was held in the Slavonic State Pedagogical University April 19, reports the Yerkramas, the newspaper of Armenians of Russia. Russian MP Sergey Shishkaryov (United Russia faction) sent a welcome message to participants of the round table, in which public and political organizations and administration of Slavyansk-on-Kuban participated. Issues discussed included Armenian Genocide as a crime against humanity, international recognition of the fact of the Armenian Genocide and Turkey's responsibility, Pan-Turkish ideology as a threat to Europe and the world, Solving Hay Dat (Armenian Issue) on the basis of international law. I Accuse film was shown for the participants produced by Yerkir-Media TV Company (Armenia).

A resolution was adopted after the round table, which in part said, "Participants of the round table of Slavyansk-on-Kuban of Krasnodar Territory, held April 19, 2006, based on irrefutable historical facts of annihilation of Armenians in the territory of Western Armenia in 1915-1922… for the sake of Pan-Turkish ideas, denounce organizers of extermination of Armenians, condoling with the Armenian people and consider April 24 as the Commemoration Day of the Genocide Victims.

Participants of the round table of Slavyansk-on-Kuban of Krasnodar Territory consider Turkey's accession to the European family impossible unless the crime against indigene Armenian population is recognized and condemned by current Turkish leadership and urge European leaders to call Turkish authorities to recognize the Armenian Genocide."
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