Silence March Held at Turkish Embassy in Poland

PanARMENIAN.Net - On the eve of the 91st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey the Armenian youth society of Poland jointly with other Armenian organizations held a Silence March in commemoration of the Genocide victims, said PanARMENIAN.Net reporter in Poland. The peaceful march started at the Blessed Virgin Church and finished at the Turkish Embassy. The action participants were carrying flags, posters and candles. "We came to the Turkish Embassy not to take revenge but to revere the memory of the Armenian Genocide victims," said shepherd of Armenians of Poland Tadeus Isahakian-Zalezski addressing those who gathered at the Embassy. "The Silence March ended in lighting of candles that were placed at the Turkish Embassy in the form of cross. The action proceeded peacefully and its participants did not yield to provocations of the Embassy members, who switched on the Turkish television at the highest volume and at the quiet photos of the Armenians, who gathered at the building.
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