NKR President: 2006 Should Become Year of Genocide Recognition

PanARMENIAN.Net - The year of 2006 should become the year of the Armenian Genocide recognition, NKR President Arkady Ghukasian told reporters in Stepanakert. In his words, the Genocide recognition is one of the principal targets of the Armenian nation. "I an convinced it will come true. The 20th century was tragic for the Armenian people and I hope that we will manage to make the 21st century the age of Armenianhood," the NKR President said.

For his part NKR NA Speaker Ashot Ghulian remarked that Nagorno Karabakh has always kept the Armenian Genocide recognition and condemnation issue in the limelight. "I suppose the NKR leadership should also make its contribution to the process and the potential of parliamentary ties should be used for the international recognition of the Genocide. "The wall of silence collapsed and I think the Armenian Genocide will be universally recognized soon," he said.

In the words of NKR Defense Minister, Lieutenant Seyran Ohanian, by acknowledging the Armenian Genocide Turkey will establish good relations with its neighbors and will be recognized as a democratic state. "Revering the memory of our compatriots who fell victims to this outrageous crime Armenians should understand the necessity of unification of the nation. We should derive lessons from all the faults taken place in history and lead our nation to power and prosperous life," he said.
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