Talks on Karabakh to Be Held within Dartmouth Conference Group June 18-20

PanARMENIAN.Net - June 18 - 20 the 10th round of the talks between the representatives of Armenian, Azeri and Nagorno Karabakh public within the frames of the American-Russian Working Group of Dartmouth Conference on Regional Conflicts will be held in Snegiri, a town in the Moscow region. The issues to be discussed will be determined at the spot. However, it is known that in the course of the 10th round of the talks the outcomes of Armenian and Azeri Presidents' latest meeting in Bucharest are to be discussed.

Some modifications have been made in the Armenian delegation: first Ombudsperson of Armenia, Executive Director of the Fund against Violations of Law Larisa Alaverdyan had been included in the delegation.

The Dartmouth Conference on Regional Conflicts is the only format of the Karabakh talks held with the participation of the representatives of the Nagorno Karabakh public. At the 9th round of the talks within the framework of the Dartmouth Conference on Karabakh held in December, 2005 a Framework Agreement on the peace process in the region was coordinated and approved by Armenian, Azeri and Nagorno Karabakh representatives. March 2006 the Co-Chairs Harold Saunders and Vitaly Naumkin visited Baku, Yerevan and Stepanakert for the first time, reports De-Facto agency.
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