Canada-Armenia Friendship Group Established in Canada

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Canada-Armenia Preliminary Friendship (CAPF) for the 39th Parliament was established at a meeting in the House of Commons on June 14. House of Commons and Canadian Senate members were invited by MP Gary Goodyear (Conservative-Cambridge) to attend the founding meeting and elect a new executive for CAPF. So far 32 members of Parliament and Senators have joined CAPF. In his opening remarks Goodyear thanked MPs and Senators and said: "Your presence demonstrates your support for the positive relationship that exists between Armenia and Canada. As you know, our Prime Minister recently officially recognized the Armenian Genocide of 1915 in Parliament. We believe that this was a positive step toward healing the wounds of the past and paving the road for a peaceful and prosperous relationship between Canada and Armenia."

Arman Agopian, the Charge d' affairs of the Embassy of Armenia, thanked the Canadian parliamentarians for their support and commitment to foster and enhance strong and positive bilateral relationship between Canada and Armenia. CAPF new president invited Aris Babikian, executive director of the Armenian National Committee of Canada (ANCC), to relay the message of the Canadian-Armenian Community, reported Yerkir.
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