Lavrov: Discussion of 'Frozen Conflicts' in U.N. General Assembly Propagandistic Step

PanARMENIAN.Net - Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who will attend the 61st session of the U.N. General Assembly in New York, at a press conference in Georgia, called the inclusion of the GUAM (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova) "frozen conflicts" into the session's agenda "propagandistic step".

Russian Minister said no one should expect for a positive result from the hearing on these conflicts at the U.N. "Nothing will change by more countries being aware of these conflicts."

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Boris Tarasyuk commenting on Lavrov's statement drew his Russian counterpart's attention to Chechnya calling on him to respect territorial integrity of other countries.

Expressing his gratitude to Tarasyuk for his support, Georgian Foreign Minister Gela Bejuahsvili said this is the first victory. "It is for the first time that a group of countries overcome Russia's veto. This shows Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova and other countries will seriously raise this matter at the U.N. It means Russia will face tense days at the U.N.," Georgian Minister said, reported APA.
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