Turkey Became Hostage in Azerbaijan's Hands on Karabakh Conflict Stance

PanARMENIAN.Net - Despite the discussed issues during the conference on 'Economic and social aftermath of opening the Armenian-Turkish border', which is being held in Yerevan, a very clear political implication is being noticed, stated Kiro Manoyan, the head of 'Hay Dat' office in Yerevan to the journalists. "It clears up, that the border between Turkey and Armenia is blocked by Yerevan and Armenia must refuse from the main principles of its foreign policy for the sake of some economic interests." Manoyan noticed. In his words, the population of Western Armenia (Eastern Anatolia), and not the official Ankara want to see the Armenian-Turkish border opened. "The Turkish public opinion is very weak and cannot influence on the foreign policy of the state. It's another matter, when the province will benefit from open borders. In this case Turkey became a hostage in Azerbaijan's hands on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict stance. We should' t also forget that this very conference, despite the statements of organizers, pursues a strongly marked political goal-that is, to make Armenia unilaterally open the border." Manoyan underlined.
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