RA MFA Welcomes Any Beginnings Aimed at Opening Armenian-Turkish Border

PanARMENIAN.Net - Turkey must establish normal relations with its all neighbors in the region without preconditions, said Arman Kirakosyan, the Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister, in his opening speech on 'Economic and social aftermath of opening the Armenian-Turkish border' conference, which is being held in Yerevan. In his words, the Turkish government does not implement the European Union's condition, which says that a candidate state must establish good-neighbor relations with all the states in the region. "First of all the provinces near border will benefit from opening of the Armenian-Turkish border, which in this case will get new stimulus for development. It is also profitable from the economic point of view to reconstruct the 'Kars-Gyumri' railway." Kirakosyan underlined. The Armenia Deputy Foreign Ministry also said that Turkey does not make effort to establish cooperation in the region, which, in Kirakosyan's opinion, can become a pledge for stability.

Alongside he stressed that the RA MFA welcomes any beginnings aimed at opening the Armenian-Turkish border. "Up till now the main relations between Turkey and Armenia were carried out on the level of social organizations and not of governmental. In 2005 the Armenian President sent a letter to the Turkish authority offering to create an Armenian-Turkish joint commission for establishing dialog between the two states. But up till now there is no answer from Turkey. Several meetings took place between the representatives of MFA's of both countries and even between the foreign ministers. But unfortunately, they were ineffective." said the Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister.

Kirakosyan one more time reminded that Armenia is ready for dialog with Turkey without preconditions, which are the Armenian Genocide issue and Ankara's stance on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
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