Armenian-Turkish Blocked Border is a Problem for Whole World Community

PanARMENIAN.Net - The closed borders between Armenia and Turkey in such an important region as the South Caucasus, is a problem for the whole world community, in his message says Egor Gaidar, the director of the Institute of Transitional Period to the participants of 'Economic and Social aftermath of opening the Armenian-Turkish border' conference, which is being held in Yerevan.

In particular, the message says, "There are a lot of cases in the history, when heavy heritage of the past does not allow to make pragmatic and useful decisions for nations. Appeals to old and sometimes serious offences between nations are one of easy ways to mobilize political support, for which, unfortunately, we have to pay a very high price.

In Egor Gaidar's opinion, responsibilities of political leaders, who have come across serious political challenges, is to offer and fulfill decisions, which will improve lives of people. "The opening of the Armenian-Turkish border is a example of such decision." underscores Egor Gaidar in his message.
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