Sarkozy revised his stand on Turkey's EU bid?

PanARMENIAN.Net - Turkey-skeptic French President Nicholas Sarkozy and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan agreed Monday to continue talks on Turkey's accession to the European Union during a meeting in New York where the two leaders were present for the United Nations General Assembly meeting.

The two leaders discussed Turkey's negotiations with the European Union and the meeting was productive and comprehensive. No comments were made to the press after the meeting.

Erdogan is expected to visit France in the coming months in order to soften Paris's stance towards Turkey's EU bid. Known with his objection to Turkey's full membership, Sarkozy earlier proposed a sort of privileged membership for Turkey.

Prime Minister Erdogan held a separate meeting with Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Socrates who is currently holding the term presidency of the EU. The two leaders discussed ways to speed up Turkey's negotiations with the EU, the Anatolia news agency reported.
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