Azerbaijan doesn't disseminate anti-Armenian propaganda, Baku says

PanARMENIAN.Net - The statement by Edward Nalbandian, the Foreign Minister of Armenia, about the anti-Armenian propaganda disseminated in Azerbaijan is 'absolutely groundless', said a spokesman for the Azerbaijani Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"Azerbaijan is not engaged in anti-Armenian propaganda. Actually, the Azerbaijani authorities and media react to tough anti-Azeri propaganda spread by Armenia and Armenian Diaspora," Khazar Ibrahim said, reports.

Earlier, Edward Nalbandian said that in order to create a favorable atmosphere for Karabakh talks, the anti-Armenian should be stopped in Azerbaijan.

"No conflict can be resolved with ongoing propaganda of one state against another. According a social survey, 82 per cent of the Azerbaijani population is displeased with the OSCE Minsk Group activities. At that 29 per cent stand for resolution of the conflict by use of force. This is a dangerous index. I do not know any other country where so many people could stand for resumption of hostilities," he said.
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