1st anniversary of Armenian Genocide recognition by МERCOSUR marked in Montevideo

PanARMENIAN.Net - A solemn event dedicated to the 1st anniversary of recognition of the Armenian Genocide by МERCOSUR took place in Montevideo on December 18, with participation of members of parliament and diplomats from Russia, Greece, Iran, Lebanon and other states, the RA MFA press office reported.

Vladimir Karmirshalyan, the Armenian Ambassador to Uruguay, stressed the importance of the Armenian Genocide recognition and called on parliaments to condemn the atrocities of 1915.

"Over 150 thousand of Armenians whose ancestors were deported from Western Armenia during the years of Genocide live in MERCOSUR territory… The international community should do everything in its power to prevent persecutions and annihilation of nations," he said, adding that the Armenian-Turkish dialogue will facilitate the process of establishment of diplomatic relations between the two states.

The event was followed by a meeting between Ambassador Vladimir Karmirshalyan and heads of MERCOSUR parliaments to discuss organization of mutual visits of MPs.
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