Reports on Armenian provocations in Berlin nothing more but Baku's another lie

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Azeri community in Berlin didn't conduct any actions in front of the Armenian Embassy on occasion of Khojalu events anniversary, First Secretary of Armenian Embassy in Germany Karen Mkrtchyan told PanARMENIAN.Net

"We knew about "Khodjalu Genocide" exhibition due in Bundestag but we're not aware of any other events planned. The report on Armenians trying to start a brawl during Azeri activists' piquet, is another manifestation of Baku's anti-Armenian propaganda," Karen Mkrtchyan stated, adding that these reports were denied by the Armenian community in Germany. "Even if the Azeri community actually initiated some activities dedicated to Khojalu events, German media doesn't inform of any," Mkrtchyan said. agency reported that "an Armenian overtly provoked the Azeri community representatives, who held a piquet held in Berlin."
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