Baku, Ankara cause regional instability

PanARMENIAN.Net - Flirting with Turkey through 'football diplomacy' and signature of secret 'road map' have already produced negative results, an expert said.

"Recent statements by Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan and Foreign Minister Davutoglu can serve as a vivid example. These misters neglected subordination and political tact, stated openly that Karabakh problem is Turkey's problem as well," said David Davtyan, expert at center.

"Armenia is in a diplomatic trap. Before the "football dialogue", Turks did not dare to make such statements. Now, they openly interfere in the Karabakh process, lobbying their own interests and supporting Baku. Yerevan doesn't show any interest in Turkish-Azeri projects, since they are economically ungrounded and can hardly be implemented," he said.

"Violating all norms of the international law, Turkey closed the border with Armenia. Azerbaijan still denied the right of Karabakh poeple to self-determination. It's Ankara and Baku leaders, who destabilize the region with a purpose to maximally damage Armenia's interests," Davtyan resumed.
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