PanARMENIAN.Net - World-wide known chess-player Garry Kasparov stated it was necessary to conduct "a serious inquiry of the circumstances of the Armenian genocide in Ottoman Empire in 1915." As reported by "Mediamax" agency, Kasparov writes this in his article published in "Wall Street Journal." It is entitled "The time has come to get to know who is our next enemy after talibs and Usama ben Laden. " "Today Turkey is waiting for its turn to become EU member, and it is very important to treat that problem very seriously. There are many unsolved problems, including the Armenian Genocide in 1915, Cyprus problem, infringement of human rights, Kurdish autonomy, economic difficulties. But all this depends on the political will of the two parties and resoluteness to finish negotiations in the shortest period of time. Integration of this big Moslem country into the Western community will let count on success in the last crusade against terrorism dressed in Islam colors," - Kasparov writes.
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