Estonia should not decide which party is right in Karabakh conflict and which is guilty of it

PanARMENIAN.Net - Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Estonian Riigikogu Enn Eesmaa said that Estonia follows the situation in Karabakh and is not willing to interfere in the problem settlement.

Commenting on information disseminated by the Azerbaijani media that allegedly Eesmaa stated that Armenia should comply with the European Parliament’s resolution and withdraw its troops from the occupied Azerbaijani territories, the Estonian MP said: “Recently, Tallinn hosted a conference organized by the Estonian-Azerbaijani parliamentary friendship group. I delivered a speech, saying that Karabakh problem raises concern of Europe and, consequently, of Estonia. During my speech, I referred to the recent resolution of the European Parliament on the South Caucasus, but I have not stated that Armenia should withdraw its troops from Karabakh,” Eesmaa told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

According to Eesmaa, Estonia is not going to shoulder responsibility and state which of the conflicting parties is right and which is guilty. He added that Tallinn believes that this conflict is a matter of Armenia and Azerbaijan, thus, it would have been unprofessional to comment on this issue, without possession of information on the conflict.

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