Decision of Jerusalem Mayor’s Office on hotel construction near Armenian Church causes indignation of Israeli Armenians

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenians of Jerusalem are going to continue their struggle aimed at preventing construction of a hotel on land plots belonging to the Jerusalem Patriarchate of the Armenian Apostolic Church.

Jerusalem Hay Dat office director Georgetta Avakian told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter that a hotel complex will be constructed near St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church located in the German district of Jerusalem, as per decision of Jerusalem Mayor’s Office.

“This has caused protest of both Armenian and Jewish population of the city. We have already sent letters to the city authorities, urging them to annul the decision,” said Avakian.

According to her, another large-scale protest action is due September 16, the day when the final decision on the matter will be adopted.


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