PanARMENIAN.Net - 21.11.2000, MEDIAMAX, YEREVAN. One of the world's leading financial newspapers, the Wall Street Journal, has published an editorial describing the recent approvals of Armenian genocide bills by the French, Italian and EU parliaments as "unfair." The bills call upon Turkey to publicly recognize the Armenian Genocide of 1915.

The Wall Street Journal said the Europeans should follow U.S. policy towards Turkey. The editorial writes that if the European Parliament was keen to recognize the 1915 massacres of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey as genocide, then perhaps it should also "call on Greece to officially "recognize" - and apologize for - its invasion of Turkey following World War I."

The Wall Street Journal does not deny that "an estimated 600,000 Armenians, possibly more, lost their lives, many in forced deportations to Syria and Palestine orchestrated by Ottoman armies," yet points out, "Whether the majority of these deaths were the result of a deliberate policy of extermination or of other factors is a matter of contentious scholarly debate." --0--

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