PanARMENIAN.Net - According to the preliminary data of the parliamentary elections held in Georgia November 2, in the three regions for most part inhabited by Armenians - Akhalkalaki, Ninotsminda and Tsalka - Armenians were elected deputies by the majority system. As reported by A-info agency, due to the preliminary data Hamlet Shakhbekian received over 50% of votes, Hamlet Movsisian followed him with 25%. Enzel Mkoian and Mher Grigorian nominated in the Ninotsminda region got 60% and 40% correspondingly. In the Tsalka region more than half out of 14 000 constituents voted in favor of Hayk Melkonian. To add, the elections in some polling stations of the Akhalkalaki region may be declared invalid because of the minimal attendance. Analogous situation was created in some other regions of Georgia.
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