PanARMENIAN.Net - The information being spread by Azeri sources that the UN prepares new plans regarding Nagorno Karabakh is false. As an informed source told "Arminfo" agency, in the reality the UN has prepared a document, which however "does not contain even a word on Nagorno Karabakh." It should be noted that yesterday a number of Azeri media, specifically "Olaylar" agency and "Zerkalo" newspaper, spread information that "international social and political institutions are working out reform programs for the first decade of the XXI century." In the words of political scientist Rovshan Novruzoghlu, one of such programs is prepared by the UN. "The Secretary-General Kofi Annan has addressed the heads of the leading powers of the world with a return report "UN - the declaration of the new millenium," where he put forward a proposal on working out a new program of reforms referring to the wars, acts of terrorism, separatism, poverty, unemployment, fundamentalism and human rights violations." The document reflects the four resolutions on Nagorno Karabakh among others, R. Novruzoghlu states.
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