September 26, 2012 - 14:15 AMT
Routine Azerbaijani propaganda
One shouldn’t silently help spread the impudent lie containing panegyrics to the army, whole nation and personally Ilham Aliyev.
The trouble of Azerbaijani propagandists lies in their lack of education or the habit to perceive various facts the way Baku does. A Moscow-based Rasim Huseynzade decided that Armenians have a major urge to adopt Islam, and set to spread loads of statements on this, with absolutely ridiculous arguments.

There is the impression that there is no such person; instead, this seems to be the phantom of Baku propaganda. Anyway, this is of minor importance. Here is one of the statements, with certain tribute to the Armenian Apostolic Church, though. “The Armenian society is now concerned about a more urgent issue.

Armenians are increasingly adopting Islam. Various initiative groups in Armenia are organizing discussions on “Awakening of Armenians who changed their religion”. Due to economic hardships, many Armenians are leaving the country for Turkey and other Islamic states and increasingly adopting Islam there. In most cases, these are Armenian women who marry the locals. Still, Islamized Armenians can also be seen in Russian North Caucasian republics. Hamshen Armenians comprise the world’s largest ethnos of Islamic Armenians.”

It’s no use proving anything to Huseynzade; his ignorance went so far as to claim that Hamshen Armenians “perceive the word “ermeni” negatively, while the youth adopts Turkish surnames as a sign of gratitude to Turkey.” “Istanbul-based Armenians arrange the funeral of their loved ones according to Muslim tradition,” says the recent “masterpiece” of this journalist. No comments here...

Such statements could be simply ignored, but silence on Armenia’s part is not always justified. One shouldn’t silently help spread the impudent lie which usually ends with panegyrics to the army, whole nation and personally Ilham Aliyev.

And the last quote goes like: “The Russian and Georgian Orthodox Churches never denied that the Armenian Apostolic Church deviates from the predominant universal Orthodox regulations, rules, and attitudes. Scientific historical materials often claim that followers of the Armenian Apostolic Church fall into heresy. Actually, the Armenian Apostolic Church has introduced so many artificial lies, legends and figment into the history of Armenians over the centuries that even specialists sometimes fail to distinguish the truth from the lie. Armenia’s geographic position and its neighbourhood with Iran, Turkey and Azerbaijan, along with rash outflow of ethnic Armenians from the country leave no doubt that Islam and various sects will now rival to get public trust in the spiritual sphere, while the Orthodoxy will be ousted. The spiritual balance may well favour the adherents of Prophet Muhammad. We will soon witness the Novruz celebrated throughout Armenia, spreading virtue and peace on native Azerbaijani lands, so far listed as Armenian soil.”

Well, one could have spent some time to find out that the Armenian Apostolic Church is not Orthodox but Gregorian. As to Novruz festivities, Iranians often visit Armenia recently to celebrate their New Year here. Contrary to Azerbaijanis, they do not spread stupid statements, let alone try to convert the Armenians into Islam. Huseynzade should have known that abandoning one's own religion is a major sin in Christianity similar to homicide, with the soul and not the body being killed in this case.

The above-mentioned person keeps publishing his writing on, not caring a bit about the least relevance of his articles with the reality. Most importantly, he tries to please the Aliyev clan and fool his own people again. However, these insinuations do not reach the people: the villages and even cities of the “developed and powerful republic” have no regular access to internet. While the propaganda employs anything - the newspapers, TV, and even radio, Ilham Aliyev revels in his position of an all-mighty sultan who pardoned the murderer and threatens to annihilate all Armenians of the world. He is not the first one to voice such threats, even the Ottoman Empire failed to wipe out the Armenians.

Karine Ter-Sahakian