January 20, 2007 - 18:23 AMT
Turkey has no place in civilized society
The Armenians once again will have to turn to the World Community and hope that the whole Armenian Community won't be slaughtered in Istanbul.
Once again Turkey proved itself not worthy being integrated into EU. The murder of the Editor-in-Chief of the bilingual Armenian-Turkish magazine Agos killed all the hopes for the development of any democratic values in this country. Hrant Dink has been targeted by the Turkish Community for a long time, and one of the reasons was that Dink was a living embodiment of "the enemy", and not for some nationalistic circles only, who fought for the "Turkish Nation and its unblemished history". The journalist was treated in a way, typical of Turks.
Even though the Prime-Minister Recep Erdogan insists that Dink's murder is an action against the Turkish Nation, and although they call it a "terrible crime", the Erdogan's Office Policy itself brought to this murder. Just to remind, not so long ago the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah Gyul appealed to all the Turkish diplomatic representatives abroad to fight actively against the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide. Today everybody "condemns" Dink's murder. But are they that sincere? After all, if there is no immediate threat, one can even display sympathy to the family members and relatives and to announce that the murderers will be caught and punished. No doubt the murders will indeed be found, and a show trial will be held, the murderer will get its punishment but the Government will remain unpunished again, the very Government which was established by Qemal Ataturk on Christian's skeletons after the breakdown of the Ottoman Empire.

It should be mentioned that Istanbul is only Turkey's European part, and the rest of the country is far from being called civilized. But do the Turks really voice a protest against the murder of an Armenian? Most likely they don't. In this case we deal with a perfectly staged performance, and the only thing to be found out now is who this murder would come in handy to. Taking into account the fact, that presidential elections in Turkey will be held in May and the country's Prime-Minister Recep Erdogan is the apparent favorite, one may consider that this action would give him more votes in the Parliament. The Head of the Office hasn't really been pressing towards European Union lately, which may be proved by its position regarding Cyprus. It seems Erdogan is not much concerned about the fact that Dink's murder will make Turkey's integration into EU more complicated. The thing is that Turkey still follows the ideology of Pan Turkism and strives to gain the regional power and rule the region, which stretches from the Altai Mountains to Bosporus. If the EU accepts them, that is good, if not - there are other more ambitious goals.

As for Dink's murder, it will be talked about for two more weeks, and then everybody will forget about it. The Armenians once again will have to turn to the World Community and hope that the whole Armenian Community won't be slaughtered in Istanbul. Armenians will leave the country on their own initiative, thus making the Turkish dream of living in "Turkey without Armenians" come true. But what will those millions of Turks do who have Armenian blood running in their veins? Or how do they treat the Armenian Historical Monuments, which are not destroyed yet? Though for Turks, destroying churches and expelling Christians from the country has always been a blessing deed.