February 24, 2007 - 17:14 AMT
In Budapest sentence was passed upon a murderer with no nationality
Murder of an Armenian doesn't carry punishment in Azerbaijan. Clear-cut borders are established between the Armenians and the rest of the whole world in this country.
The Court of Appeal in Hungary left the verdict of Budapest City Court of 13 April 2006 in power, according to which Ramil Safarov, the murderer of the Officer of the Armenian Armed Forces Gurgen Margaryan is sentenced to life imprisonment. The court, as it could be expected rejected Azerbaijan's appeal for reconsideration of the case. It should be mentioned that the Coordinating Committee for Ramil Safarov's rights is intending to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights, though Armenia has more reasons for it.
In the opinion of the Azeri Mass Media "Court's decision was biased, as neither the additional proves provided by Azerbaijan, nor the new circumstances were taken into consideration…" There are two possible explanations for the given situation: either Azerbaijan doesn't realize why Safarov was judged, or it is trying to increase the hatred towards the Armenians. Yet the Hungarian Court acted according to laws existing in any country - sentence was passed upon a murderer with no nationality and not an Azerbaijani having killed an Armenian. The fact that Baku is probably well aware of the above mentioned facts, does not keep the Azerbaijanis away from announcing that the court's decision was unjust and that Safarov is just a martyr, or almost a soldier fighting for justice, this is much easier than admitting once guilt. By the way, let us mention that killing an Armenian doesn't carry punishment in Azerbaijan. Clear-cut borders are established between the Armenians and the rest of the whole world in this country. Only for some reasons Hungary respects laws recognized in the whole world and not in Azerbaijan only, which consequently gives rise to resentments.

According to the Azeri attorney Shirinova the prosecutor almost failed to contradict the facts indicated in the appeal - he only denied them and rejected the appeal. But what did this word almost mean? This is not the appropriate term to be used in this sphere. Safarov had no extenuating circumstances, in spite of the attempts to make him out an injudicious person, who couldn't be responsible for his acts and words. It's worth mentioning that besides life imprisonment Safarov received another term for scuffling with the prison guard.

Meanwhile Safarov's father's remarks are worth mentioning; "We always make a fuss about nothing. The Armenians use the arguments which may be heard in Azerbaijan for their own purposes. In due time the Hungarian journalists were invited to Azerbaijan, but they didn't meet Safarov's family, so the consequences were not unexpected, as Azerbaijan didn't take any serious steps. Ministry of Defence never displayed any interest in the course of events. They only provided the attorneys with some financial support a day before sending them to Budapest. I think that this sentence is passed not on my son, but on whole Azerbaijan."

Comments are needless. Only what does the European Court of Human Rights have to do with all this?