March 6, 2008 - 21:01 AMT
Azerbaijan, as always, didn't take into account the reaction of the world community
Once again Baku ended in a deadlock because of its blind hatred towards Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. Unfortunately, it should be mentioned that such cases may happen again till the presidential elections in Azerbaijan.
Once again Azerbaijan reassured its reputations as an aggressor, by provoking to a rather serious incident in one of the posts of the Nagorno-Karabakh defense army in the region of Mardakert. After a week of every possible comment on inner political situation in Armenia was made by the Azeri mass media, Baku decided that the time to act more decisively has come. At that, all the commentators emphasized that "the slogans about the military perils from the part of Azerbaijan" will be used by the Armenian authorities to relax the tension in people. Baku needed a simple excuse for the attack and, according to its political figures, it is already found. But as always, didn't take into account the reaction of the world community.
Neither did it take into account that all the statements made by the Press Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan according to which Azerbaijan never interferes into the affairs of another country do not cheat anyone, no matter how hard Baku would want that.

As a matter of fact, during the night on March 3 the diversionary-assault detachment of the Azeri armed forces consisting of more than 20 people attacked the advanced military post of NKR Defense Army not far from the region of Martakert of Nagorno-Karabakh and temporarily took it under its control, thus violating the regime of the armistice. In the given situation the armed forces of Nagorno-Karabakh had to take adequate measures. As a result of the undertaken actions the diversionary-assault detachment was forced back to its old positions and suffered noticeable losses.

"On March 4 Armenia tried to contact with the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan for cessation of the attack, but our attempts were taken no notice of. This is exactly why NKR Defense Army had to open fire and fight the enemy back. The authorities of the armed forces of Azerbaijan must finally make it clear for itself that NKR Defense Army is ready to fight for its motherland till the last breath. The authorities of Azerbaijan are to blame for the entire incident," said the head of the General Stuff of the RA Armed Forces colonel-general Seyran Ohanyan. "It shouldn't be forgotten that in autumn the presidential elections are to be held in Azerbaijan, and Aliyev is trying to influence on its nation. But we must always keep in mind: Azerbaijan indeed gets armed and is getting ready for a war, and the Armenian Army must be ready to fight the enemy away at any time", said Seyran Ohanyan, then added that the current incident was organized by Baku to test how combative NKR Defense Army was.

In its turn the acting OSCE Chairman, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland Ilka Kanerva expressed its worries regarding the violation of the cease-fire regime in Nagorno-Karabakh sin March 4. I.Kanerva called upon the parties to show maximum restraint and try to keep the regime of cease-fire. "It is impossible to strive for ways of conflict regulation in these conditions. Any such incident on the border may cause serious damage to the process of the negotiations. I call upon both parties to stop armed interference, which only brings to people's death." Kanerva also added that during his last visit to the region he talked to the authorities of Azerbaijan and Armenia about the necessity of preserving the stability.

The Armenian Nation Committee of America warns the US Congress against the attack organized by Azerbaijan against Nagorno-Karabakh and thinks Azerbaijan is a threat for the interests of the USA, which is trying to help maintain the peace and stability in the Caucasus region. In its message to the Congressmen ANCA quotes the words of the president of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, regarding the fact that "Azerbaijan is using its military cars, planes, and techniques in these attacks."

Azerbaijan should carry responsible for the military rhetoric and the military actions against Nagorno-Karabakh. The USA must expand the dialogue with Nagorno-Karabakh,"says the document.

\It may be said that once again Baku ended in a deadlock because of its blind hatred towards Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. Unfortunately, it should be mentioned that such cases may happen again till the presidential elections in Azerbaijan. Unfortunately it should be mentioned that such incifents may happen till the elections. Ilham Aliyev will have to do something very radical. And the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan, by no means needs to test the readiness of our army, which knows who and what for it fights. As for the little hopes about the "small victorious war" will become Bakus'recurrent myth."