April 8, 2008 - 20:36 AMT
The Armenian Community of the USA has a bitter experience of pre-election promises regarding the issue of the Armenian Genocide
It is very unlikely that the future Administration in Washington will take such a step, because in this case the direction of the foreign policy of the USA carried out in the Near East must undergo many changes.
Resolution 106 of the US House of Representatives has never been withdrawn from the Agenda of the US Congress. The truth is, long months have passed since October 2007 and that would be enough to forget about the Resolution. However the representatives of influential Armenian Diaspora Organizations in the USA, and not only them, are certain that sooner or later the Resolution will be approved.
It should be reminded that Resolution 106 is called "House Resolution" and the approval of the Senate and the signature of the President of the country aren't needed for its adoption. However, it says that "the House calls upon the recognition of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire and calls to use the term "Genocide" in the President's annual message to the Armenian Community on April 24. "I think that the voting will be held before the US Congress goes on holiday," said the head of "Hay Dat" Office Kiro Manoyan. In his turn the Regional Director of the Armenian Assembly of America (AAA) in Armenia and in Nagorno-Karabakh Arpi Vardanyan mentioned that the speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi is ready to put the resolution to discussion but is waiting for the necessary support from the American Congressmen. Now the Resolution is supported by 211 congressmen in the House of Representatives and 218 votes are needed for the Resolution to be passed.

It is most likely, that the current Administration will not put the Resolution to vote because of the White House's rather explicit support of Turkey. The truth is that there is no certainty that if the Presidential Elections in the USA in November Democrats win, the Resolution will immediately be passed. The Armenian Community of the USA has a bitter experience of pre-election promises regarding the issue of the Armenian Genocide. And this is certainly not something to expect for the near future. Nobody knows when the American troops will leave Iraq.

Another thing that cannot be predicted is when the Near Eastern conflict, where besides Israel and Palestine, Syria and Lebanon are also involved, will be regulated. In short, the USA will have no time for the Armenian issue for the moment. Although the Congressmen can take this step; firstly out of their own interests in the elections in the Congress and Senate, and secondly out of the wish to show Turkey its right place. These two factors in the end may overbalance, after all both the war, and the conflicts are in the other hemisphere. And the Americans do not actually care about what
happened thousand years ago.

The interesting thing is that the issue of the Genocide has "very suddenly" started being discussed in Israel. It is quite possible that the Israeli parliamentarians have been "forced" to go for it by the unique unification of the Armenian and Jewish Community in the USA, who have for the first time spoken for the issue of the Armenian Genocide. "The discussion of the Armenian Genocide in the Israeli Knesset is indeed unusual and we hope that this discussion will have its logical outcome," thinks Kiro Manoyan. According to him, at present all the parties, introduced in Knesset, voted
for the issue being involved in the Agenda. "After the holidays, in May the discussion of the issue will start. It is quite possible that the issue will be taken to the Commission on Security from the Commission on Education. The Deputy Haim Auron and the Office of "Hay Dat" in Jerusalem is working on this," mentioned Manoyan. He also emphasized that many deputies of Knesset are assured that the recognition of the Armenian Genocide is also the moral imperative of Israel.

Meanwhile, Turkey has already started blackmailing Israel. The Head of the Delegation of the Great National Assembly of Turkey, the Chairman for Foreign Relations Murad Merdjan is sure that the bill on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, which is introduced in Knesset, will not be passed. "All the plenipotentiary persons in Israel, including the President of the country Shimon Peres, have assured that the attempts of discussions of any document on "the Armenian Genocide" in the parliament are never successful," he declared.