April 15, 2008 - 19:47 AMT
Will bigger military expense bring victory to Azerbaijan?
Azerbaijan needs approximately 10 years to have an army ready to fight and, what is not less important, to win.
The latest belligerent announcements of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, most likely, aim at frightening Armenia and the World Community in the issue of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict resolution. At that, the official Baku continues to claim that they are going to resolve the problem by force, "without taking anyone into consideration". The basic argument of Aliyev is making the enlarging the military budget, which in 2008 will reach up to $2 milliard, which is a rather promise sum, however, the question is - what will this sum be used for?
If it is indeed going to be used for army equipments and trainings, Azerbaijan needs approximately 10 years to have an army ready to fight and, what is not less important, to win. Another way of spending this $2 milliard is mercenary enlistment. However, Ilham Aliyev must remember what this brought to first time. And there are no guarantees that unleashing the second war, Azerbaijan won't lose some more regions.

"The main question is the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict resolution and the reestablishment of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. In this regard the diplomatic ad political actions have been very successful," announced Aliyev at the meeting of the government of Azerbaijan. As evidence he brought the example of the Resolution on "the Situation in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan", which was passed by the UN General Assembly, in spite of the fact that the OSCE Minsk Group, being the full members of the UN Security Council, have voted against the adoption of the Resolution. "What does this speak of? This speaks of our power. Azerbaijan will never make any concessions in the issue of its territorial integrity. Armenia's viewpoint in the process of negotiations regarding Karabakh is conditioned by the tension in the home policy and the aggressive policies of this country, which may not do any good to Yerevan. As for Azerbaijan, it will have the conflict resolved in its favor," announced Ilham Aliyev.

Meanwhile, in the opinion of the Russian political figure Zurab Todu, the USA will not assist Azerbaijan in its attempts to return Nagorno-Karabakh. "Whatever they say, the occupation of the territory is the weakest point of Azerbaijan and of the Azeri people. However, other countries do not care much about this. You know better than me, that at all the formal meetings the representatives of the USA and of the Western Countries repeat, that there is only the peaceful resolution of the Karabakh problem. They are afraid of the renewal of the military actions in the conflict zone, because they fear losing the money invested in oil and pipelines. This is why, whether or not Azerbaijan is ever a NATO Member or not, the West will use all its power and influence, to let Baku return Nagorno Karabakh by force," he said in an interview to Day.az.

However, Azerbaijan doesn't seem to be listening to anyone's opinion, which is different from that of the Official Baku.

The Minister of Defence of the country called "the countries of the world and the international organizations to increase the measures of influence on Armenia, to achieve the peaceful regulation of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, so that any negative processes in future are excluded."

The announcement of the President of Azerbaijan may most likely be regarded as a preparation to the Presidential elections, scheduled on October 15. And though Ilham Aliyev has no alternative, these announcements may be considered a simple game, which rarely brings to any good.