January 22, 2009 - 21:17 AMT
Azeri media is concentrated on disseminating misinformation
Silence of the Armenian side is interpreted in Baku as confirmation to the Azerbaijani «tales».
The issue of Russia's «delivering» military hardware to Armenia with a total cost of USD800 million continues to be in the center of attention of the Azeri press. As it turns out, neither refutations of the RF Defense Ministry, nor the Russian Foreign Ministry are able to have an impact on Baku. Well, to each his own, as the saying goes. However, first of all Russia, as well as Armenia should learn a lesson from this story. Though there are no naпve people in the Kremlin who would take for granted Aliyev's words on «being in friendly relations with Russia», some awareness is still necessary…

The story is already dragging on, taking a bad turn for Baku. As we have already mentioned before, Azerbaijan is eager to make use of the «gas war» between Russia and the Ukraine and prove it to Europe that no country except Azerbaijan can supply the EU countries with gas. Once again Baku overlooks the fact that the made-up stories of «delivering» military hardware to Armenia cannot ruin Russia's image in the international arena. However, such trivia do not disturb the Agitation and Propaganda Department of Baku. This kind of disinformation together with «the Armenian armed forces firing on the Azerbaijani positions» does not 'come off' the Azeri news websites.

Baku has missed one factor, or, to be more exact, she has forgotten an old eastern saying: "Put camel coat on an ass and it will bend under the weight." On January 21 Russian Foreign Ministry handed the Azerbaijani Embassy Counselor to Moscow Bakhish Zeynalov a note to be submitted to the Azerbaijani MFA. According to the RF Foreign Ministry the note says: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, answering the note 5/10-080/04/09 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan dated on January 15, 2009, states that the Defense Ministry of Russia didn't give or sell arms and ammunitions to Armenia, as it was shown in a "document", which was published in the website "Mediaforum" on January 8, 2009 and caused negative resonance in Azerbaijan. The printed material is disinformation, carries anti-Russian character and doesn't contribute to the positive development of friendly relationship between Russia and Azerbaijan."

We would not have returned to this issue once again, because answering such kind of disinformation is just a time-wasting job. Moreover, we consider that nothing new can be said in connection with the issue. But the thing is that silence of the Armenian side is interpreted in Baku as confirmation to the Azerbaijani «tales». It is simply interesting how long Moscow and Europe are going to stand the Azeri propaganda. Not to mention the USA, where the new Administration has neither time nor wish to deal with Baku and her «undying» oil reserves.

How lightly we should treat the Azeri press can be shown by the following news issued in the Day.az. "Today dark-skinned TV anchorman of sport news Jose Bernardo is going into the Army to do his civic duty.

Before going the patriot shared his feelings with us.

- Who is Jose Bernardo? - I was born in Baku in 1989. My father is a Cuban, and mother is an Azeri woman. Father is doing business in Moscow. - Do you consider yourself an Azeri man? - I consider myself exclusively Azeri. - What's your most cherished dream? - My most cherished dream is liberation of Karabakh from the enemy occupation during my service in the army. - What would you wish the TV viewers? - Let them not be bored, inshallah..."

Probably no comment is necessary. Next «patriot» is going to be a resident of Alaska or Polynesia, isn't he?

Karine Ter-Sahakyan / PanARMENIAN News